WEDNESDAY. as I woke up today, I was feeling a little bit eccentric, and that's why I chose this kind of look. right now, I really can't imagine going out whitout my baby fur (uhm, yeah maybe I'm quite exaggerating). I love it combined with everything, also the long black skirt I used some days ago. the sweater and necklace are my newin, as I showed you in this post, and I find them very cool matched togheter. what do you think about this look, yay or nay? while I was walking trought the city a lot of people stared at me, but in a city like Siena is quite normal 'cause it's pretty much difficult finding unusual outfit while wandering. these days I'm feeling such a weariness that doesn't exactly belongs me (even though I'm really a lazy person), I get tired while doing everything and I found this extremely annoying. hope getting the energies back soon. I also wanted to talk you about an event in Florence, I am the future - charity fashion show. it's going to be on the 11th of Dicember, and I'm gonna be there! is anyone of you bloggers coming? really hope so. you can see the facebook page of the event here. good afternoon modaioli, I literally RUN to study. ouch
FAUX FUR ovs industry
SHIRT ralph lauren
SHIRT vintage
BAG blumarine
Scusa se mi il pelliccioso giubbotto bianco non mi pare stia troppo bene con il resto... :) ovviamente senza offesa...
Ciao Davide! in effetti è un look un pò particolare, ero sicura che a qualcuno non sarebbe piaciuto, ma stamani mi sentivo proprio di pellicciotto e gonna! ;) spero che il prossimo outfit ti piaccia di più! nessuna offesa, le critiche educate sono sempre ben accette!
RispondiEliminaa presto! buona serata, Viviana
:) forse con una gonna più corta in jeans e con un paio di ballerine probabilmente mi avresti fatto perdere la testa! :)
RispondiEliminaBuona serata!