mercoledì 23 novembre 2011

Video II

Just a funny video of me wandering in Siena to make you smile before going to bed. 
Goodnight and sweet dreams modaioli

 Bon Iver - Towers

Giulia, huuuge thanks, love you

The morning

WEDNESDAY. as I woke up today, I was feeling a little bit eccentric, and that's why I chose this  kind of look.  right now, I really can't imagine going out whitout my baby fur (uhm, yeah maybe I'm quite exaggerating). I love it combined with everything, also the long black skirt I used some days ago. the sweater and necklace are my newin, as I showed you in this post, and I find them very cool matched togheter. what do you think about this look, yay or nay? while I was walking trought the city a lot of people stared at me, but in a city like Siena is quite normal 'cause it's pretty much difficult finding unusual outfit while wandering. these days I'm feeling such a weariness that doesn't exactly belongs me (even though I'm really a lazy person), I get tired while doing everything and I found this extremely annoying. hope getting the energies back soon. I also wanted to talk you about an event in Florence, I am the future - charity fashion show. it's going to be on the 11th of Dicember, and I'm gonna be there! is anyone of you bloggers coming? really hope so. you can see the facebook page of the event here. good afternoon modaioli, I literally RUN to study. ouch

 FAUX FUR ovs industry
SHIRT ralph lauren
SHIRT vintage
BAG blumarine

martedì 22 novembre 2011

The cosy sweater

TUESDAY. a brief post just to show you my casual outifit of today. this cosy sweater is the perfect piece for these cold days, exactly the comfortable item I need to go through 6 hours of lesson at university (yeah, some days it seems I'm leaving there). the location is just in front of my house in Siena, unfortunately there were a lot of cars stuck in the traffic jam but the scenary is more urban than usual and I like it. the Burberry's bag is borrowed from my friend Giulia (a present from her boyfriend Lorenzo), so huge thanks to them both. last week Radiohead announced their italian tour, with even 4 dates: Rome, Florence, Bologna and Udine. tickets went sold out in a while on their official site, but now are available on ticketone, here. are you guys going there? hurry up, the tickets won't be on sale so far! an evening of really boring studying is waiting for me, good tuesday night modaioli!

SCARF from Marocco
BAG Burberry

lunedì 21 novembre 2011

Winter cuties

MONDAY. here are my new winter loves. I was looking and thinking about buying this sequined clutch for so long that as I stepped into Zara, I was already at the cash desk. I truly adore it combined with my new white faux fur, the mix is so chic and I found it perfect for a night out. the zara sweater is quite casual, but matched with the H&M gold necklace it gets a totally different allure. this is the perfect ready to wear look for a winter day, don't you think? and dulcis in fundo, my new two dresses, both in transparent chiffon. the spotted one is from ASOS, I fell in love with since two months (it is inspired from Stella McCartney, how to resist?), but only last week I managed to find my size (yeah, 6 is more than claimed). it's a really unique dress, one sleeve, and the spot mesh are in more than one point. IMINLOVE. the other one is from H&M, the fabrique is velvet with bat-sleeve in chiffon. I found it pretty funny and it suits very well, so I just thought, why not? hope you liked my new stuff, goodnight modaioli

ZARA CLUTCH - 39,95 €
H&M NECKLACE - 7,95 €

domenica 20 novembre 2011

Weekend as a polar bear

SUNDAY. HI modaioli! Loooong loooong time che non aggiorno il blog, really sorry ma sono state due settimane un tantino busy. never happen again, promised. oggi però mi sono ripresa con un sacco di shopping e... un post chilometrico con le foto di questo weekend da "orsetta polare", come mi hanno soprannominato i miei amici per via di questa faux fur di OVS (bianca, come mi avete consigliato voi sulla pagina fb La Modaiola, ricordate?). trovo che sia un capo davvero cool e allo stesso tempo adatto al clima invernale (non ci crederete, ma tiene davvero caldo. e se lo dice la regina dei freddolosi, trust me). questo finesettimana non me ne sono mai separata, ed ecco che ve lo propongo in tre diverse varianti (beh, in realtà due, le foto di intermezzo con tanto di capello con ponpon erano in realtà un semplice outfit di "migrazione" da casa mia a quella dei miei amici, dove venerdì abbiamo visto un film e mangiato una golosissima fonduta, fatta da Marco, il provetto cuoco fidanzato della mia amica Francesca. sconsiglio quindi tutti coloro a dieta di scorrere le foto fino in fondo, yo). come vi dicevo negli scorsi posts, ultimamente ho passato molto tempo a rivedere i vari fashionshow sia F/W che S/S, ed è dalle ultime sfilate di Chanel che ho preso ispirazione per l'abbinamento dei colori in questo primo outfit. maglioncione oversize bianco, pellicciotto bianco, gonna in tweed grigia e black heels, tutte tonalità molto fredde che mi hanno ricordato le "snow queens" che Lagerfeld ci ha più volte proposto in passerella negli ultimi tempi. molto più casual e comodo invece l'outfit che ho scelto per la giornata di oggi, passata a Firenze tra shopping e visite turistiche: camiciona celeste (immancabile), giacca in lana nera, collant pesanti e stringate maschili. and above all, my beloved faux fur. questa domenica fuori porta mi ha abbastanza provato, tra poco lettino e piumone. spero il mio pellicciotto da orsa polare vi sia piaciuto, have a nice (or sleepy, as me) sunday night modaioli. 

Friday night out (or better, in) 

The lovely and crazy dog of Francesca e Marco, Rio

Marco's masterpiece, fonduta with all tipes of fruits, divine!

Florence, Piazza della Signoria

Breakfast at Caffè Paszkowski


Florence, Lungarno

Lindt shop, gnammmmy pt.2

Lovin' Lindt

Zara shopwindow, really cool, love dalmatas

Lunch at Rinascente Terrace, the greatest view

It's almost Christmast Time

Ready to go home, tired, at Pitti square

#1 outfit
SKIRT vintage
RING swatch (present)
HEELS buffalo

#2 outfit
BAG gucci
BOOTS stradivarius (bought two years ago)

#3 outfit
SHIRT armani
SHORTS blumarine
BAG furla (present)